
gary black joplin

Netflix's 'I Am a Killer: The Bogeyman' chronicles the vicious 1998 murder of Jason Oscar Johnson in Joplin, Missouri. The 28-year-old was fatally stabbed in an atmospherics by Gary Black, who was soon apprehended and brought to justice for the heinous crime. However, this was far from his kickoff brush with the law, equally he had previously attacked someone every bit viciously. This person is Jackie Clark, who luckily survived Gary's assault and shared his experiences on the bear witness. If you wish to know more about him and how he's doing currently, nosotros take you lot covered.

Who is Jackie Clark?

In 1976, Jackie Clark was an 18-twelvemonth-old from Missouri who had high hopes for his future and loved doing many things other teenagers his historic period engaged in. He had a lovely girlfriend and enjoyed going on dates with her; still, he never imagined that 1 such outing would culminate in lifelong trauma for him. Information technology was a Friday nighttime on March 5, 1976, and Jackie took his girlfriend out on a engagement. The couple was sitting in the quondam's car, parked on a secluded hill when suddenly, a auto with ii men pulled up behind them and blocked their way.

Equally per Jackie, Gary Blackness made him pull downwards the window, armed with a sawed-off shotgun. The two men claimed to be police force officers and pulled Jackie out of the auto for inspection. They spread-eagled him upwardly against the machine and took his wallet and keys; Jackie complied as he reportedly believed them to be officers. In a shocking turn of events, Gary shot him in the back, leaving him to die. Moreover, the men took $7 from Jackie's wallet and fled. As he bled profusely, his girlfriend somehow managed to become some assistance, and the paramedics arrived on time.

Jackie survived the attack merely had more than 32 pellets lodged in his body, including 2 in his heart. Due to damage, the doctors had to remove his spleen and half his lung. Thanks to the police force's prompt activeness, Gary was soon arrested and charged with lethal assault. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison yet was released on parole subsequently serving 12 years. Nearly 23 years after shooting Jackie, Gary fatally stabbed Jason Oscar Johnson on October 2, 1998, in Joplin, Missouri. The 28-year-old higher athlete succumbed to his injuries three days later.

Where is Jackie Clark Today?

Epitome Credit: Jackie Clark/Facebook

Later on recovering from the fell 1976 attack, Jackie dedicated his life to helping save others, and hence, he became a fire fighter and paramedic in Webb City, Missouri. In 2000, he was 42 when he testified in court against his aggressor in Jason'south murder trial. Gary was given the death sentence, simply information technology was afterward overturned, and this happened once again after he was sentenced to death the second time. Eventually, he accepted a plea understanding and was sentenced to life without parole in 2014.

Jackie shared that he felt that the parole Gary was granted in his example would reform him, only Jason'southward murder proved that the latter could never modify. Today, Jackie is around 62 and is the Battalion Chief of the Webb Metropolis Burn Department. He and his team have successfully helped salve several lives, and he is well-respected in the community for his contributions. Jackie reportedly resides with his married woman in Purcell, Missouri, and has congenital a fulfilling life surrounded past his children, grandchildren, and friends.

Non simply that, the firewoman is an avid animal lover and frequently volunteers at local shelters and participates in adoption drives. Jackie stated on the show that despite moving on in life, he still gets nightmares of what happened to him in March 1956 and has vivid flashes of that incident. He calls Gary Black his "apparition" and struggles to deal with the physical and emotional scars of the shooting to engagement. All the same, Jackie hopes to continue peacefully with his life and that his attacker will repent his actions someday.

Read More: Jason Oscar Johnson Murder: How Did He Die? Who Killed Him?


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